Sunday, July 30, 2023


You are 13.
A full fledged teenager now.

You are determined.
You are dedicated.
You work very hard at things that are important to you.

You are also fun.
And surprise people with your witty banter.
You make us laugh all the time.

You are still highly competitive and soccer is still your great love.

You have branched out a bit and ran cross and track... but you really just did that for conditioning for soccer.

You are a great teammate and a great friend.

We love your drive and you care more about a game then most of the kids out there.

But more importantly, you are a kind kid. You care about those around you and you care if someone is feeling left out.

You do really well in school and your determination shows in all aspects of life.

We love you so much and look forward to watching you grow!

Happy Birthday, Colin.
We pray it is the best year yet for you.
May you continue to love God and love those around you.
We love you so.


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