Tuesday, September 17, 2024

In her 11 era


My girl is 11.
She is rocking a new school and 5th grade this year.

She is fully committed to gymnastics. She spends a LOT of time at her gym and she loves every minute of it. 

Macy is looking forward to the new competitive season starting soon.

Macy loves to hang out with her friends, drink dragonfruit Starbucks and all things pre-teen.

Macy is a natural leader and she loves to help all those around her. She still wants to be a teacher when she grows up.

Macy is funny and has all sorts of jokes with her dad. 

She works hard at her sport, she works hard at school and she works hard at being a good friend.

We are so proud of the wonderful young lady that she is growing up to be! Continue to be kind, look out for those around you. Be a good friend. Be confident in who you are.

Happy 11th Birthday, Macy Elizabeth. We love you so!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024



Seven years ago, we met this sweet face for the first time. We got to hold her in our arms and we worked so hard for a hint of a smile.

Today, just thinking about her brings a smile to our face, as there is usually a smile on her's.

She lights up our life and we can't really even remember our world before her.

Maggie is about to enter the 3rd grade. She does well in school and works hard in all that she does.

She loves to be with her family, play with her sister and just be at home.
Unfortunately, our family schedule doesn't really allow for much home time, but she handles any sport, any venue with grace. She has her bag packed and ready and just needs to know if this event is indoor or outdoor.

Maggie is thriving and we are so proud of her.

Maggie is inquisitive and asks all of the questions, all of the time. And you better give her the right answer or she will keep asking.
I know that her thirst for knowledge will serve her well in life.

While this is the highlight reel, and adoption comes with many layers, Maggie is a joy and being her parents is a true gift. We are so blessed to call her our daughter.
Happy Gotcha Day, Maggie Li Ya!
We love you so!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

14 and feeling fine

This boy. He is 14 today. Entering into high school in the fall. Growing like a weed.

 He still love soccer the most, spending almost all of his time doing something involved with his sport.

Colin chose to play soccer with his club MLS Next team this year, which does not allow him to play for his high school. He is excited to continue to play MLS Next with his buddies and travel around the country.

 We are so proud of his hard work and dedication to his sport. He truly gives it his all.

  Colin is lots of fun, making us laugh all the time. He tends to torment his siblings, making sure they are aware of his presence at all time.

Colin does well in school and enjoys hanging out with his friends. He loves to spend time with his life group and youth group at church.

Colin is loyal and kind, ready to help out if needed. 

 We love you, buddy. We are excited to see where life takes you. You are smart and strong, serious and funny. It's an exciting year for you! There will be many new adventures to come and we can't wait to watch!

Happy 14th Birthday, Colin. We love you so!

Thursday, July 4, 2024



The boy that made me a momma is 16 today.
Time is a thief.

Jack is on the go, all the time. If you can't find him on a soccer pitch, you will find him with his friends, playing spike ball or his latest obsession, pickleball.

Jack crushed his sophomore year. He decided to "put in the grind" and finished the year with a 4.0.

Jack loves traveling and exploring new places. He loves that he can go to new areas for soccer and he and his dad always find a local ice cream place to "test out".

Jack plays soccer for both his high school and club and is exploring playing in college...which is coming up alarming soon.

Jack, we are so proud of your hard work. When you decide to do something, you do it well.

We love your sense of adventure and know that you will do great things!

We know that you can be a great leader. People watch and follow you, and we pray that you lead by example. You are a great friend.

Be kind to those around you. Notice the ones who go unseen. Advocate for others. Be a friend to all.

We can't wait to watch you grow and learn and change the world.
We love you buddy and are so proud of you.
Happy 16th, my son.
Now...everyone stay off the roads!!

Friday, April 26, 2024

Eight is Great!

This magnificent girl is 8 today!

Maggie is funny and kind and inquisitive. She doesn't just want to know the answer, she wants to know why and how.

Maggie is a good leader. She was voted by her classmates to be the leader representation for the class for the second year in a row.  She may be the smallest in her class, but her classmates listen to her and respect her. She is tiny, but mighty!

Maggie loves to be with her family, playing school with her sister. She is a favorite with Luna, always begging for Maggie's attention.

Maggie has lots of interests and want to be either a doctor or a teacher. Her favorite animal is still a penguin and we have watched many, many documentaries on penguins.
Maggie loves to do art projects and has recently gotten interested in reading.

Maggie is the best sports sister around. She has a bag packed of things to do and play with, along with a very large pile of snacks, ready to go at any time.
She is always sideline ready, and has a great little group of friends at Colin's games.
She rarely complains, only if it is outside and freezing.

Maggie lights up our life and we are so in love with our girl. Happy 8th Birthday, Maggie Li Ya Fedell!

We love you big time. We can't wait to watch you grow. We are excited to see what God is going to do in your life!

Sunday, September 17, 2023

My Double Digit Daughter

Our Macy girl is 10. Both hands. All ten fingers.

Macy is funny and kind. She loves to help. If you need a helper, in any capacity, Macy is your girl.

Macy wants to be a teacher when she grows up. She loves to play school with Maggie and she likes being with little kids. She will be great babysitter when she is older!

Macy is in 4th grade and is a great leader in her class.

Macy is a great big sister. She loves to spend time with her family and her dog, Luna. 

Macy is funny and is always making "Dad" jokes with her Daddy. They crack each other up every day.

Macy is a good athlete and works really hard. She has doubled her hours and her meets in gymnastics this year.

She is determined, and that drive has paid off. We are excited to see her grow and learn more this year as she starts competitive gymnastics.

Happy 10th Birthday, Macy!

We love you so much. We are so proud of the beautiful young lady that you are becoming. Continue to be kind to those around and to advocate for those who can not speak for themselves. We can't wait to watch you grow and take on new things this year.

We love you!