So... I have spent the last two Wednesdays at the doctors.
Awkward, I know.
Does anyone else get really nervous about going to the doctor, like you are in trouble, even though you are a healthy human being who did nothing to be in trouble about? I do. It's weird.
So, yeah.
In two weeks I get to go back to the doctors. To have surgery.
Open Ventral Hernia Repair surgery to be exact.
Since I grow to the size of a bus while pregnant. ( I am not
over-exaggerating), my stomach muscles have been pulled to smithereens from both pregnancies. After I had Colin I was not allowed to do more than walking for exercise for the first 6 months. Any stretching, pulling or movement could easily tear at my stomach and cause hernias. Let me tell ya, that is not what a get- this-flabby-baby-weight-off me woman wants to hear. But I obeyed and waited a good 9 months before I did anything too dramatic. I started really super slow postpartum videos slow. I was trying to prevent any type of surgery/hernia. So I sucked it up and slowly plodded my way along the road to exercise.
Well, a few months or so ago, I was pilating and yogaing my way right along and noticed that my stomach was swelling up, not slimming down. Awesome.
Than it started to hurt beyond sore muscles hurt.
And I was stretching backwards and happen to look down at my stomach...there was a nice little mound just sticking right out. Wonderful.
I know. This is super awkward and no one will read any farther. That is fine. I find it awkward, as well.
Here's the kicker. We want to have another little one. And I don't want two bulges on my stomach. It has to be repaired regardless.
And now I get to do outpatient surgery. It is really not a super huge deal. There are only two main issues. The first and most dramatic. I can't pick up or carry Colin for 6 weeks. This is going to be tough. I will probably have to splint my stomach with a special binder to get him out of his crib...but pray it goes well. He loves his momma and will NOT be happy that I can just pick him up at whim.
The second one is not so bad. I can't exercise for 6 weeks beyond moderate walking. I may be able to get on an elliptical towards the last few weeks, but I will have to start slowly. So much for summer clothes season :/.
Not awkward enough for you?
Than here are a few more:
~ Wearing my broken sunglasses through the bank drive-through. The stem snapped off the left side but I can still balance them on my nose. Obviously
my stem-less, crooked sunglasses side faced the male teller.
~ Being stuck in a small, confined waiting room with an older gentleman who wore so much cologne I had to hold my breathe. It gave me that instant walked-into-yankee-candle-smell-overload headache.
~ Colin has broken into our garage and sprayed himself in the face with my Oxy stain remover...twice.
~ Blue paper robes.
~ Ryan has laryngitis. It's like I am single parenting.
~ Morning coffee
~Reading books on my phone, especially when waiting hours in waiting rooms...
~ Strawberry picking plans
~ Sticky kisses and hugs
~ "You're the best mom ever, Mom."
And two little boys running down hallways, decked in masked and capes. They are my favorite awesome. Ever.
A and A is an original feature from The Daybook.