Monday, June 21, 2010

Rock What You Got

I have come to the conclusion that no matter how much I whine, moan or groan about my pregnant body, nothing is going to change. There is absolutely nothing that I can do to change the shape of my body. I can not wish this child to spread out a bit on the sides and not look like a torpedo. I can not change the ever growing basketball of my stomach. Strangers will continue to comment, both good and bad. People will continue to stare. But the fact remains the same. I am pregnant with a beautiful baby boy and the super large torpedo belly is what happens to me. I do not swell. I do not spread the weight around. I carry it in front and in full force.

I am ALWAYS the largest pregnant women in the room. My belly always beats anyone else's belly. I may have gained 20 pounds less than they did, but my belly will always be the biggest. Annoying, but true.

I can't change it. My body just carries baby boys this way. Simple as that. My weight is less than with Jack and I have not even hit the 25lb mark yet. ( The one good benefit of a low low sugar forced diet) I still look the same as I did with Jack.

I should do a whole post on what complete strangers have said to me. Some sweet, but mostly rude. It is quite amazing that people have the audacity to talk to a stranger the way they have talked to me. I used to smile and walk away. I no longer smile. I just walk away. The Hubs is about one more rude "twins" comment away from berating the next person who says it. I secretly hope he does it! ;)

Body image is something that I think 98% of women struggle with, or have struggled with at some time. I know that I have, whether I am pregnant or not. It is so easy to envy the girl next to you with the little baby belly, or the long legs, or the nice hair. Comparisons can get dangerous. They allow you to wallow in self-pity and can lead to depression. It is not a healthy thing to do, in any state that you are in. While you can exercise and watch your weight, the way you carry a baby is not something you get to decide. So, why compare?

So, at a 35 weeks, I have finally come to the conclusion that my body does what it does to house a little man and there is not a thing I can do about it. So, if you can't change it... than you might as well rock what you got...

Looks like a normal pregnant belly, right?

Wait for it....

POW! The side view. Torpedo belly at 35 weeks.


There is a LOT to rock here people...

(Sorry for the awkward faces. It was hot and sunny and I am not a fan of being photographed)


Anonymous said...

Let me tell you: You are beautiful. Totally and utterly. My body doesn't do the torpedo like yours...I do the 50 lb gain. I pack on those pounds like nobodies business. All over the place.
And it takes me about 8 months to finally "nurse" it all off. But I do make some pretty nice, fatty breastmilk because of it.
Everyone's different and I'm so glad you're coming to terms with it.
Miracles come in all shapes and sizes, my dear.

Crystal said...

Mrs. are one HOT mama!! seriously...ROCK IT!! thank you for posting these friend. I appreciate your honesty and coming to terms with the torpedo.

Kurt said...

OMG... you look pregnant!

The March's said...

Ahh! You are super adorable! Way to say it lady! You tell them, daddy! Good for you for keeping your weight under control....I learned that the 2nd time around with Lauren too! Can't wait to see the new bundle of joy!

Brandy said...

Alicia, I loved this posting! :) You go girl! You are GORGEOUS and don't fret about your belly...I have a few girlfriends who had bigger bellies. Each gal hold a baby different. I really like your top in this pic-so cute! Keep on keeping on and my the LORD by your STRENGTH!