You have handled this year with steadfastness and grit. You challenged yourself with new interests, stepping greatly outside your comfort zone.
This year, you tackled Invention Convention and amazed us with the time, precision and dedication that you and your team invested into your invention. It was inspiring to see just what the next generation can achieve.
You showed your leadership skills, both in not getting a much-wanted position at school and by working hard and not giving up when you wanted to achieve the next leadership position that you applied for.
You ended your elementary years in a midst of a global pandemic. You had to ride in a car to be clapped out, instead of walking the halls one last time.
You met your new normal of virtual schooling at home with quiet acceptance. Every morning, you would wake up, get dressed, do your hair, work out with PE with Joe and then tackle your daily school work without complaint (well, 95% of the time without complaint!)
You are funny and silly and we love to spend time with you.
You have discovered a great love of reading and have been devouring books left and right. We can barely keep up with your supply demand!
You are kind to those around and you look out for others. Now, extend that kindness to your sisters, please!
You are brave and will try new things. You even jumped off a cliff this summer, even though it was scary and new.
You still love soccer above all things, even when you can't really play.
You never complain about working in your 6'x6' grid, even though I know you are anxious for competition. You just put in the work. I know that skill will serve you well in life.
You are going to venture into a new school, though we are not sure what exactly that will look like.
I know that, regardless, you will try your best.
We are proud of you, Colin.
I know that one day your stubborn determination will serve you well, even when that same determination tests my own limits.
Happy 10th Birthday, my love.
I can't wait to see what is in store for you in the coming year.
We love you so!