Monday, August 7, 2023

Six Spectacular Years!


Happy 6th Gotcha Day to our Maggie Li Ya!

Six years ago, I held you in my arms for the very first time.

Today, you randomly crawled into my lap and fell asleep.

We've lived so much beautiful life in between those two moments.

You are kind and strong.

You defend those around you.

You tackle new challenges, even when you are nervous.

You have excelled in school this year, working so hard.

You were chosen by your peers to be the classroom leader. I definitely cried when that happened.

Meeting you on August 7, 2017 was one of the greatest days of my life. 

What a blessing to call you daughter.

What a blessing to be your mom and get to see you grow.

We love you so much, Margaret Li Ya Fedell.