Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Thankful Heart: My Husband

 A willing participant at the Go,Dog, Go! Party

With Thanksgiving just a few more days away, I wanted to share a few things that make my heart thankful. I think we should move forward in life with a continual thankful heart, but since this season is for taking special notice of those around us, I wanted some things I am thankful for.

My husband has been my closest friend since we were in high school. Hours upon hours have been spent on the phone, talking and learning about each other. Years of knowing the ins and outs of life, sharing in the ups and downs, laughing, crying and living together.

While I am obviously very biased, my husband is the best sort of man. He works very hard at a job that is not his favorite. He provides for his family. He does the bedtimes and the baths with the boys. Always. He reads. He engages with people around him. He cares about his co-workers. He researches how to help people and than how to put that into action. He runs. He leads a life group in our church. He tutors. He loves his boys. He loves me. But most of all, he loves his Lord and that reflects in everything that he does.

Instead of continuing to gush on and on about my great man, I wanted to let you read a bit about his thoughts. Here are two posts that Ryan wrote on giving and thankfulness.

Give Thanks and Give a Goat

Thanks is a Verb

See? He is a good catch, that husband of mine.

He makes my heart thankful.


Sayaka said...

What a beautiful post Alicia! And I love the picture of the two of you!!

Sayaka said...

Oh by the way I received a catalog from World Vision too and just donated last week too!!