Thursday, January 24, 2013

Awesome and Awkward Thursday: It's been awhile

 Take in this awesome and awkward picture. Super hero paraphernalia abounds...especially when one takes a closer look.

I haven't done a good ol' A&A post in awhile, so I thought it would be fun to knock one out before the end of the month. My blogging habits have really been slacking lately, but hopefully I can get back into the groove again....


~ Fleece-lined leggings.
~The boys have been sleeping in till 8:30a.m...thus I have been sleeping in till 8:30 a.m.
~ Jack and Colin playing "Rocket Star". Their songs include killer lyrics, such as "I love my mommy, mommy, mommy" and " Kissing Your Mom" to the tune of Elmo's world.
~ Husband has a birthday on Friday! Spring Chicken though he is, helping him celebrate getting older is always fun.
~ The birthday gift this year is SO good. I have had it since mid-December and an dying to give it to him.
~ Soup. I love soup. I probably make some sort of soup 2-3 times a week.

~ Awkward~

~ Static cling due to tights that prevent modest walking...even though I actually HAD a slip on...that two inch section that was not covered wreaked havoc to my skirt and walking ability.
~ Wearing my striped pajama pants AND an old pair of Ryan's the same time. It is cold in our house!
~The amount of dried food I sweep up on a daily basis. It makes me wonder if my children are actually eating ANY of their food.
~ Virginians and snow. There are little white particle scurrying around my window, with no real chance of sticking in the slightest, yet my Facebook feed is being blown up with phrases like "SNOW!" "It is snowing! It is snowing!" and silly things like that.

~Awkward AND Awesome~
~ Watching 3 of my friend's kids (7, 5 and 2) for a few hours in the late afternoon. Having to leave them with Husband because I had a meeting at church. Getting text from Husband saying that someone (who was probably 5 yrs old) went the bathroom and did not flush. The 2 yr old got into the dirty (think worst case scenario) water and was playing in it. 7 year old casually mentions that he does it all the time. So horribly awkward for my kind Husband and so wonderfully awesome that I was not there to clean up!

Anything awkward or awesome happening in your life, lately? Do share...

*awkward and awesome was an original series by the Daybook. Not my original idea.

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