Thursday, March 13, 2008

I am missing ....

my belly button. It seems to have completely disappeared. I once had a nice deep pierced navel. i liked it. There was nothing wrong with my belly button. It wasn't odd shaped or too "in" and not at all an "outie". It just was. And now, it is gone. I fear that in no time it will be forced out from the growth of my large baby belly. My once nice cute navel has slowing begun to fill and slowly disappear. I am looking forward to the day when my navel (and my body for that matter) are back to it's original shape and size. Sigh. Oh the joys of pregnancy.

1 comment:

Kurt said...

Maybe while it's poking out you could pierce it a couple more times! Who do you know that has a triple pierced belly? You could be the first.