Monday, July 18, 2011

Mr. Walking Pants

In less than two weeks, my baby will be one. ONE. One year old. Crazytown.

In similar style of late, I am behind on his monthly postings. Eleven months is now almost over and the big ONE is around the bend.

The big news for month 11?


 The little man is walking. He had been taking steps for the last month or so, but on the 27th of June, eleven months exactly, he decided to just walk. No more crawling. Just adorable little toddles to and fro.

He doesn't like to be stopped. So, taking pictures was not his favorite thing to do.

Oh well. Real life eleven month old.

Super happy. Super mad.

Mr. Waking Pants brings so much joy to our life.

So big.

So soon he will be one. I hope I am ready.

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