Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Have you seen my baby?

He seems to be missing.

There is this little tow-headed toddler here instead. A laughing, screaming, squealing, giggling, yelling toddler.

In the last few weeks Colin has decided to drop his morning nap. (How will I ever get any cleaning done?!)

He weaned himself cold turkey.

He insists on feeding himself, no matter the consequence (or the mess).

He plays, like actual play, not just tossing toys around.

He can wrestle his brother to the ground.

His dancing and singing have multiplied. His tantrums have definitely been taken to a new level.

Seriously. Where did this kid come from and where is my sweet little baby. I swear, he was a baby the last time I looked.  I swear it.

Saying "Cheese!" AND coloring.
He needs to stop this.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thankful: Laughter

There is a lot of laughter at my house. A lot.

Jack is hilarious.

Colin is hilarious.

Jack thinks Colin is hilarious. Colin thinks Jack is hilarious. Gut busting laughter ensues.

Granted, there is usually some screaming and tears mixed in with all the giggles, but laughter is always the dominate sound.

I could listen to my boys laugh and giggle together forever.

For that, I am so thankful.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankful: All Circumstances

 Jack's First Thanksgiving!

I was honored to be asked to do a guest post for Debra over at I Dream of Anthropologie. She is a sweet soul who just left the VA area to move to the wide open plains of Kansas.  She has a great style and an even better heart.

Check out my post here!

Monday, November 21, 2011


This weekend we had the honor of celebrating a handsome little man's first birthday.
I love a good birthday celebration, especially when it is someone as sweet as Ephraim.

I got to help do a bit of the decorating and made these pom poms.
Thanks, Pinterest!

I am also thankful that we were able to stay for the party and not take a little trip to Patient First for some stitches. Jack managed to break a glass and cut his thumb pretty deeply. He bleed all over the house till he found us. Strong little man did not even cry, just held up his bloody hand. The good news was that there were a few NICU nurses attending and they helped us bandage him up. Poor little guy lost a bunch of blood and passed out on his Daddy and slept through the whole birthday singing!

Colin enjoyed this party. He managed to sneak not one, but two cupcakes. He holed himself up in a corner and pretty much demolished the first one. The second one was caught sooner and he made a mad dash away from mom, but lost that little battle. I am pretty sure we cleaned chocolate cake out of his neck folds that night.

Of course, while we celebrate Ephraim turning one, we remember that two boys were born that day.  Sweet Elisha blessed us with 4 1/2  months of his little life and is dearly and deeply missed.

With Thanksgiving just a few days away, what are some of the things that you are thankful for?

Friday, November 18, 2011


Some days you just need to add a little bit of fancy into your life.
Just a little bit.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Favorites: Weekends!

We have had a very busy week. Everyone is tired.
The plans this weekend include a family movie night with some gourmet doughnuts, some little man jeans shopping and lots of relaxing. And hopefully loads of cuddling. Let's be honest here. There will also be a lot Pinterest in pjs going on.
Weekends are my favorite.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Apparently, the steam from a shower can set off my fire alarm...during nap time.  I left the door cracked and the fan off, as to hear my refusing to nap, but still in his room 3 year old. One can get out of a shower, towel draped, and waving discarded sweater under the fire alarm in mere seconds.

Apparently, Colin can now crawl onto my kitchen counters via the high kitchen stools. He can not, however, get down.

Apparently, that white tissue paper with the large colored sparkles inside of it can shed. Giant colored sparkles. On your bed.

Apparently, husbands do not like sleeping in giant sparkles. Who knew?

Apparently, when your star quarterback is injured you don't win football games. Any of them.

Apparently, it is not that much fun to watch a continual smattering of your team. I now feel slightly  more sympathetic to my Husband and his Lion's plight. But only slightly, cause they are finally decent this year.

Apparently, you can NOT eat all the sweets that come across your path and still lose weight.

Apparently, if you accidentally forget to turn down the stove, your egg-based soup can over cook and turn into a scrambled egg type texture...even if you already tempered the soup. Yum.

Apparently, the change in weather has created a major baby eczema outbreak on Colin. Poor little body and face is all covered with little bumps and rashes. He is still cute, just bumpy. :(

You really do learn new things every week!
