Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Big ONE

At 6:17 pm, one year ago today, my daughter blazed her way into the world, barreling like a freight train. She had a head full of pitch black hair, squishy little cheeks that were primed for kissing, roly little thighs and deep, dark eyes. She was 100% different from her brothers, but oh, so beautiful.

They laid her on me and I laughed. I could not believe that in a little over 45 minutes, I was holding my baby. She was much bigger than I thought, so dark and beautiful and wonderfully, all mine. My first daughter.  My girl.

As time went on, her black hair faded to a beautiful chestnut brown and her dark eyes evolved into a sparkling hazel. She still has those amazing cheeks that get kissed often and her little thighs are now toddling around, still with wonderful little rolls.

She laughs now. Giggles at her Daddy's tickles, laughs at her brothers' antics and is pure heaven when she masters taking one foot in front of the other. She mimics her brothers, trying for a laugh and usually gets one.

She also loves, so much. Stuffed bunnies, brothers, Momma and Daddy, all are recipients of Macy hugs and kisses. Oscar the cat also gets much love, though he is not as grateful.
She will try to wrestle with her brothers and her Daddy, but must stop half way and give them all hugs.

Food is now her friend. Her very favorite friend. Macy laughs, dances and claps her hand when it is time to eat! You MUST share every piece of food with her. No morsel shall go unnoticed by her.
Though, she still will not eat baby cereal. Real people food will only do for her, none of that baby stuff.

Sass is also apart of this little package and she has no problem letting her opinions be known.

She looks just like her Daddy did as a baby, but her daddy claims she gets her opinions from her momma. Who knows? Either way, I like her sass. There is never a question of if she likes something or not.

It has been a wonderful, crazy, beautiful year with this little lady.

Messy and tough, yes. Sleep deprived, yes. Sleep may just be Macy's mortal enemy. She just doesn't like to sleep, especially at night. Please Lord, help her sleep at night!!

But through this blurry, dark circle inducing, sleep deprived year, we have experienced indescribable joy. Joy in this wonderful, perfect little life. Joy is bringing a daughter home, completing our little family in a way we did not know could happen.

 Joy in her little smiles, laughs, tantrums and snuggles. So much love, so much joy.

We are so thankful to be her parents and that she got to be in our family.

I look forward to seeing her grown and learn, discover and change.

But for right now, I am happy just to hold my one year old baby, amazed at how the time has flown by.

Happy Birthday, my Macy Elizabeth.

You are so loved.

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