Monday, January 4, 2016

The Best Is Yet To Come

Happy 2016!



We made it.

This year. It is going to be a big year for us, I can feel it.

2015 was good and trying and challenging. All years are. We have had some changes that happened late into the year that are bringing us to new places this January.

Late in December, Ryan closed the door on his job in Ann Arbor. He joined the start up with high expectations 18 months ago. If you know us, you know how much he worked. Hours upon hours, way past what is normal or, in my wifely opinion, acceptable. He gave it 100%. Somewhere along the way, the effort grew one sided. Ryan kept working, but expectations were not met on their side. It was a challenging time.

 But, out of the blue, Ryan was offered a new job. A promotion, with a nice raise. They pursued him, and offered everything that was promised before at the former job, plus some.

God is so good. While in the midst of struggling, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. We had no idea, but He did.

So, in this new year, this fresh start and clean slate, Ryan started his new job. The boys are back in school, ready to tackle the new year. Macy and I are up the remainder of vacation fun.

This is just the start though. (Not the cleaning though, that will always be around)

There is more to come.

Good things. Great things. Challenging things.

There is an underlining excitement for this year that I have not felt in awhile.

We are taking some big steps. Faith filled steps. Scary steps. Exciting steps.

The best is yet to come.

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