Monday, June 25, 2012

Tastes of Summer: Avocado Egg Salad

We lost our A/C yesterday. It was hot. Hotter inside our house than it was outside. I don't like cooking over a hot stove when it is hot and summer AND I have A/C. I especially don't like it when there is no A/C. So, I started thinking of things that are nice and cool and refreshing with minimal stove time.

This avocado egg salad is one of my very favorites. It is cool and creamy with a nice tang to it. I could eat it straight out of the bowl, but normally I put it on a sandwich slim and have it for lunch. The only cooking time is making the hard-boiled eggs. Once those are done, you can just mix and mash away till you have the perfect summer sandwich. You could add lettuce and tomato and all that stuff...but I prefer it straight up, with an extra grind or two of fresh black pepper.

The best part of this sandwich? I ate it in my cool, air conditioned home. Thanks to a nice repairman, he and Ryan were able to figure out the faulty breakers (that were completely mislabeled) and, lo and behold, we have air again! Not having crabby, sweaty boys (husband very much included) makes any food taste better!


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