Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fitness February

February is dedicated to fitness and getting back in shape. I gave birth almost 7 months ago and it is high time that i get my body back. Since i am still breastfeeding, I can't really diet at all. I can, however, try to tone up all this flab.

My goal is to get to the gym 2-3 times a week, walk with Jack 2-3 times a week and get some sort of video/free weight stuff done at home 3 times a week. Even ten minutes of toning is better than nothing. My goal is too be consistent the whole month and to notice a difference in my body tone and hopefully lose some inch...ANYTHING.

So, here we go, Fitness February is is full swing.

Any body wanna join me?


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I second that!

Crystal said...

Oh yeah girl...I am totally doing this too. well, not your routine, but mine. Last week I started to make a calendar of exercise to do, then I cross it off when I did it for the day. If I don't do it, I have to make it up until I did it! Emily and I did something like this about 5 years ago, and it worked!! I'm all about toning up too! Best of luck.