Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Banana Madness


This is madness.
Did you know that you can create a smooth, creamy ice cream type dessert with just a plain single banana?

You can.

It is madness, I tell you.
I first heard of this idea on pinterest (the most awesome, time stealing website ever). I was skeptical, but intrigued. Than I was given confirmation by a facebook friend. I was sold. I had some just past ripe bananas. 

It seemed too good to be true. An ice cream dessert but only the calories of a banana?

So, I gave it a whirl.

You need just past ripe bananas. So brown spots but not black. You want it to be a little over ripe, as they are sweeter that way.

Slice the bananas up and than pop them into the freezer for an hour or so. You want them to be frozen through. Make sure to slice them first, because it will be much harder to blend a whole banana.

It is recommended to use a food processor, but since I only have a blender, I did smaller batches of bananas.

Dump those frozen banana slices in your blend and blend. It will look grainy at first, and you may need to stop and stir it a few times, but keep blending.

Once your bananas have the consistency of soft serve ice cream, you are done!

That is it! No sugar, no cream, nothing.

It is creamy and smooth and sweet.

You can either eat it right away for a soft serve texture or put it back in the freezer and than scoop it like a hard ice cream. I stored mine in little single serving containers.

You can add cocoa power and some peanut butter and have a chocolate peanut butter ice cream. I did both, but prefer the plain banana.
Jack loved it.

Colin is hypersensitive to diary, so no real ice cream for him. He loved the whipped bananas!

Ryan was super skeptical. He only likes bananas if they are just past green. One brown dot and he won't eat them.
He loved the pseudo- ice cream. It does not have a strong banana flavor.

So, go! Freeze your over ripe bananas. Blend those suckers up. Eat some guilt free ice cream.

It is banana madness.

1 comment:

Matt and Tiffany McClain said...

wow..who would have thought..thanks so much! I look forward to trying this out! :)