Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dedication Day...also known as Mother's Day

This Sunday we dedicated Colin to the Lord. It was a special time where we, as parents, publicly vowed to raise Colin to love the Lord. In return, the church also promised to help us. It was a beautiful little ceremony.

At New Life, our church, they introduce the baby and than have the father say a prayer of blessing over the baby. After that, we the parents are charged. Our promise, " Parents, before the Lord and these witnesses, do you commit to today to raise your child in the Christian father? Do you promise to pray for your children, provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and raise them in the dear and admonition of the Lord.

After we say that we do, the Pastor charges the congregation.

"New Life Providence Church, do you as a church family, support these parents in the dedication of their children to God, and do you commit to help them as needed."

We were not able to have our families with us, but we were blessed to have friends and our life group there to support us. It went well and none of the babies cried. More impressive is that the fact that all of the 3-5 year old siblings were calm...relatively.

Here is the prayer that Ryan prayed over our Colin.

"Father, Thank you for Colin Edward. We recognize him as your gift and we are honored to raise him to know you and to love you. We proclaim that his life is precious, it's valuable, and it's full of purpose. We speak blessing and favor over him. We pray that you would use him mightily for your kingdom. We pray that you would give him great strength in his mind, body and spirit. We ask that you would speak to him and guide him at even a young age. Would you keep his heart soft and his spirit sensitive to you. Lord, may his faith be unshakable and his love for you unquenchable. We commit to love him and to point him towards you all of his days. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen"

This Sunday was also Mother's day and I got to go shopping all by myself for a bit. It was nice to browse and not push a stroller. We ordered Thai food to-go and Ryan did the dishes. Overall, it was a great day. Dedicating Colin could not have been a better gift to me.


Unknown said...

that's such a sweet prayer.

we still haven't dedicated ava yet. we kept waiting for our families to come visit, then they did and our church closed down. and so yeah...we're behind. hopefully someday soon.

Dave Skahen said...

Wow, this is really cool. I really like this idea. I'm sure Ryan did awesome. He's always been really good with his words. Miss you guys a ton.